Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Assembly Source File
175 lines
; Procedure MOVEBG(Var PAGE : AnyBuf;
; X1 : ColumnType;
; Y1 : RowType;
; X2 : ColumnType;
; Y2 : RowType;
; X3 : ColumnType;
; Y3 : RowType ) ;
; 1. Captures block at (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2)
; 2. Refreshes screen with PAGE
; 3. Moves saved block from stack to (X3,Y3)
MoveBg proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
;*** Compute number of lines to move
mov ax,[bp+12] ; value of Y1 into AX
mov cx,[bp+08] ; value of Y2 into CX
sub cx,ax ; CX = Y2 - Y1
inc cx ; CX = Number of lines
;*** Compute length of each move
mov ax,[bp+14] ; X1 into AX
mov dx,[bp+10] ; X2 into DX
sub dx,ax ; DX = X2 - X1
inc dx ; DX = num WORDS/line
shl dx,1 ; DX = num bytes/line
;*** Compute workspace needed on stack
wksp: sub sp,dx
loop wksp
mov ax,ss
mov es,ax
mov di,sp ; ES:DI has stack address
;*** Determine Video address
mov bx,449h
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,7
jne graphx
mov dx,0B000h
jmp c001
mov dx,03DAh ; for IBM CGA,
VR: in al,dx ; we must do this
and al,1000b ; so we won't see
jz vr ; snow
dec dx
dec dx
mov al,21h
out dx,al ; disable video
mov dx,0B800h
c001: push dx
;*** Compute source address for move to stack
mov bx,[bp+12] ; Y1 into BX
dec bx ; (Y1-1)
mov dx,bx ; Save in DX
mov cl,7
shl dx,cl ; (Y1-1) * 128
mov cl,5
shl bx,cl ; (Y1-1) * 32
add bx,dx ; (Y1-1) * 160
mov ax,[bp+14] ; X1 into AX
dec ax ; (X1-1)
shl ax,1 ; 2 * (X1-1)
add bx,ax ; BX = (Y1-1) * 160 + 2 * (X1-1) - 2
mov si,bx ; Source string offset in SI
pop ds ; DS:SI has starting address
mov ax,[bp+12] ; value of Y1 into AX
mov dx,[bp+08] ; value of Y2 into DX
sub dx,ax ; DX = Y2 - Y1
inc dx ; DX = Number of lines
push dx
mov ax,[bp+14] ; X1 into AX
mov cx,[bp+10] ; X2 into CX
sub cx,ax ; CX = X2 - X1
inc cx ; CX = number of WORDS/line
push cx
push ds
;*** Move block from screen to stack
mov bx,cx
shl bx,1
mov ax,160
sub ax,bx ; AX has SI increment
MOVE1: push cx
rep movsw
pop cx
dec dx
jz DONE1
add si,ax
jmp MOVE1
;*** Copy screen image passed as parameter to video display
DONE1: mov di,0
pop es
mov cx,2000
mov si,[bp+16]
mov ds,[bp+18]
rep movsw
;*** Move saved object from stack workspace to new location on screen
DONE2: mov bx,[bp+04] ; Y3 into BX
dec bx ; (Y3-1)
mov dx,bx ; Save in DX
mov cl,7
shl dx,cl ; (Y3-1) * 128
mov cl,5
shl bx,cl ; (Y3-1) * 32
add bx,dx ; (Y3-1) * 160
mov ax,[bp+06] ; X3 into AX
dec ax ; (X3-1)
shl ax,1 ; 2 * (X3-1)
add bx,ax ; BX = (Y3-1) * 160 + 2 * (X3-1) - 2
mov di,bx ; Destination string offset in DI
;*** Move block
pop cx
pop dx
mov si,sp
mov ax,ss
mov ds,ax
mov ax,160
sub ax,cx
sub ax,cx ; AX = DI adjust
MOVER: push cx
rep movsw
pop cx
dec dx
jz DONE3
add di,ax
DONE3: mov dx,es
cmp dx,0B800h
jnz return
mov dx,03D8h
mov al,29h
out dx,al
return: mov sp,bp
sub sp,2
pop ds
mov sp,bp
pop bp
ret 16
MoveBg endp